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The Partition Plus Blog
Category: Design Tips
Beyond the Bathroom – Creative Ways to Divide Your Space
It’s Not Just for Partitions: Vanities in HDPE Solid Plastic
Anyone who’s spent time browsing our site has likely read about the virtues of HDPE toilet partitions. HDPE, also called “solid plastic,” refers to bathroom stalls made with extruded, one-inch-thick high-density polyethylene. Partitions constructed from this material (along with the included hardware) are impervious to moisture, making them very tough and easy-to-clean.
Occasionally, we speak with customers who aren’t aware that we also sell public restroom vanity tops in coordinating solid plastic. Partition Plus offers HDPE vanity tops designed to coordinate with toilet partitions made from the same material. Solid plastic vanity tops offer all the same benefits of HDPE stalls: total moisture resistance, hassle-free maintenance, and high durability. Plus, these vanities perfectly coordinate with stalls made from the same material. Read on to see images from a recent Partition Plus project where we installed solid plastic toilet partitions and vanity tops for a local business.
Read MoreIn Defense of Livable Public Restrooms
Given the purpose of our website – to inform shoppers about Partition Plus and the toilet partition products we sell – this blog rarely features topical content. No doubt, being timely and relevant is great. But there is very little breaking news in the Division 10 and bathroom stall industries. We couldn’t pass up the opportunity to comment on this, though.
Earlier this week, Wired magazine’s UK website published an article about a new toilet intentionally designed to be uncomfortable to sit on. StandardToilet, the commode’s creator, hopes businesses will install the fixture to curb extended toileting time (presumably stemming from mobile device usage). Please take a minute to check out “The corporate poo patrol is coming after your precious toilet time” and read on for our reaction.
Read MoreName Game: Powder Coated, Baked Enamel, and Painted Steel
Toilet Partitions for Churches
Take a Look at “Midnight”
Decorating a Public Bathroom
Looking for Wooden Stalls? Consider Phenolic or Laminate