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Plan for the Worst, Hope for the Best

The expression in week’s blog title should come as no surprise to any seasoned facility manager. After all, it applies exceptionally well to the case of outfitting and operating shared use spaces – especially public restrooms. We at Partition Plus have seen it demonstrated tens of dozens of times. It is an unfortunate reality that most human beings don’t treat shared resources as carefully as private resources. Accepting this is sometimes difficult, as we would all like to save the money, time, and worry associated with planning for others’ carelessness.
Assuming you accept this as truth, how should you respond? As it relates to bathroom planning and toilet partitions, the best course of action is to choose a more robust material when outfitting your restroom. Read on for an example and explanation.
One of the team here at Partition Plus recently came across this unfortunate situation in a restaurant bathroom. A nearly rusted-out urinal screen. When we come across something like this, we can’t help but wonder: what happened? Could it have been avoided? Is the product faulty? What could be done to fix it now?
Answering those questions brings us back to the axiom in the title. Even with a firm understanding of your physical space, your visitors, and other factors, it is wise to prepare for the worst-case scenario, while anticipating the most pleasant situation.
Whoever sold this business-owner these partitions must have offered little, or no, guidance during the purchasing process. Or the owner ignored the advice. A sales representative from Partition Plus would remind a restaurant owner, such as this one, that in the men’s rooms of establishments serving alcohol, opting for higher moisture resistance can be beneficial. Even without this specific insight, someone should have reminded the owner to plan for the worst.