Duralife Lockers: 1-2-3 Challenge

One of the manufacturers that Partition Plus commonly works with, Scranton Products, has always been prevalent in rightfully displaying the strength of the materials used in their partitions and lockers. For anyone unaware, they utilize solidly constructed HDPE (high-density polyethylene) in the design of their products, and they do so in a way that provides an unrivaled durability. They had already put out a video showcasing the ability of their Resistall Plastic products, very clearly showing that their material was superior with regards to impact resistance. Instead of stopping there, Scranton Products has put their money where their mouths are with their “1-2-3 Challenge.” Clearly intending on displaying their Duralife lockers in areas that are highly realistic, Scranton Products has pursued an aggressive campaign to prove that their plastic-based lockers are a better choice than metal. The aptly named 1-2-3 Challenge pits Duralife against conventional steel lockers in three tests: their output of sound when slamming or closing shut, their resilience to impact, and their ability to fend off graffiti. Best of all, the material was tested by a number of relevant individuals, ranging from the school superintendent down to the students themselves. The setting was quite simple: the metal lockers and plastic lockers were placed side by side, with the testing done to both done back and forth to illustrate the differences. Within the context of each video, there was truly no contest – in every situation, the metal lockers suffered substantial denting after the surface was met with a hammer at reasonable force, while the plastic lockers remained undamaged. Graffiti via a permanent marker proved to be no match for the plastic surface either: with a basic cleaner, the surface of the plastic lockers was wiped completely clean on multiple occasions, while the surface of the metal lockers would leave behind smearing and otherwise did nothing. The measure of noise, unsurprisingly also leaned in favor towards the plastic lockers after each and every person did their best to create as much noise as they could. Those that actually took the challenge expressed surprise after their results. Michael Stefanelli, the principal of Grandview Elementary school in Caldwell, NJ, like many others, firmly believed that the strength of metal far superseded what plastic likely could offer. “[I] thought for sure that they would not be durable enough to last through a middle school or high school. After taking the challenge, I have completely changed my opinion on the difference between the metal and plastic lockers.” His attempts, like all others who attempted to cause any sort of noticeable imperfection/damage to the material, were all futile. His attempt at the 1-2-3 Challenge, as well as the others who attempted it as well can be found on Scranton Products’ YouTube account. Scranton Products has put out numerous videos showing these experiments, apparently dating back to only two weeks ago. The real question is: do they intend on this hands-on and engaging promotion with their products in other locations/settings? It is pretty well known that Scranton also utilizes HDPE for their partitions – perhaps that’s a route that we will see in the near future as well.