The Partition Plus Blog

Category: Measuring and Installation

Shakespeareโ€™s Guide to Installing Bathroom Accessories

Accessories are a crucial part of any bathroom. They lend style and functionality alike and come in a wide variety of price points making them accessible to any customer. But what happens when your accessories have arrived and youโ€™re standing in your bathroom with boxes in hand and you begin to wonder – where do I begin? Where do I put these? How do I get them attached to the wall? Read More

How to Measure Dimensions for a New Bathroom

Building a bathroom takes a lot of planning. You will need toilets, stalls, sinks, and so much more. But how many toilets, what types of stalls, and how much is all of it going to cost? All of these are essential questions and worth some pre-planning. That is why we made this guide on finding the measurements you need to get started. Read More

Ultimate Guide to an ADA Compliant Bathroom

So, youโ€™re building a commercial bathroom. Youโ€™ve picked out the materials for your partitions, the colors, everything right down to the toilet paper dispenser. But now you have to decide where to put everything and what size it should be. And that is a daunting task that leaves many people wondering, are there rules I should be following? The answer is yes! The standards for making your bathroom ADA compliant are some of the most important ones to follow. We know that building an ADA compliant bathroom can feel overwhelming. Thatโ€™s why we created this guide to tell you what you need to know about ADA compliance. If you still have questions afterward or want an expert to walk you through the process, weโ€™ve got a whole team of people at Partition Plus who know all the ins and outs of ADA compliant bathrooms. Read More

“What’s blocking? Why do I need it?”

Initially, toilet partitions might seem confusing. While we do our best to put customers at ease, this viewpoint is understandable. Despite being in the vast majority of restrooms, the general public rarely considers partitions …probably because they are practical necessities. They have no place in residential construction, so many DIYers and professional contractors are also unfamiliar with bathroom stalls. As with most products, toilet partitions come in many varieties. Understanding the differences and grasping the jargon can be a daunting task.

Toilet partitions are not complicated, however.

They serve a single central purpose: to provide reasonable amounts of privacy to an individual using a toilet. It is easy to tell an effective partition system apart from one badly designed, broken down, or poorly maintained. No specialized knowledge is required. After all, restroom partitions are a familiar sight with few moving parts. What you see is what you get! The concept of in-wall blocking typifies the “uncomplicated, but potentially confusing” nature of toilet partitions.

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Measurements & Drawings – What Do We Look For?

To provide an accurate quote, we need a few pieces of information about the bathroom where you plan to install the toilet partitions. Typically, we require the following:

  • Layout Style (and Position in the Room)
  • Number of Stalls
  • Overall Layout Width
  • Each Stall’s Width
  • Stall Depth
  • Door Swings

Also, we must know what material you’d like quoted and the street address where the materials will be delivered.

To shoppers unfamiliar with building materials – or inexperienced with measurement – this may seem daunting. In reality, the information is easily obtained and conveyed accurately. In this post, we’ll explain how to collect this information and how to send it to us. Read on to learn how simple the process is!

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Toilet Partitions by the Numbers: Height

“Door/Panel Height” and “Height Above Finished Floor” describe, in concrete terms, the level of privacy a toilet partition system provides. Generally speaking, a bathroom stall’s door and side panels will be the same height and have the same elevation above the finished floor. In certain privacy-oriented partition systems, panels can span the entire distance from the ceiling to the floor with no gaps. Standard stall panels, on the other hand, can be as short as 55″ tall, positioned 14″ above the finished floor. In the accompanying image, A is the panel height. B is the distance above the finished floor. Read More

Installation Services Available

Did you know that Partition Plus not only sells toilet partitions but installs them as well? Yes, it’s true! If you live in the area surrounding Baltimore, Maryland, we can deliver and install your order. Our installation professionals will arrive in a Partition Plus vehicle, unload your materials, and construct your partitions. Often, we require just a few hours to complete installation. Read More

How Much Does It Cost to Install Bathroom Partitions?

How much does it cost to install bathroom partitions? This is a topic that comes up regularly here at Partition Plus. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t simple enough that we can write a dollar amount in this post. The answer IS simple enough for us to offer some information about bathroom stall installation pricing. Read More

How Wide is a Bathroom Stall?

How wide is a bathroom stall? Industry standard bathroom stalls are 36 inches wide. To comply with ADA requirements, stalls must be 60 inches wide. There is more to this question than those two dimensions. Read on for more important details concerning bathroom stall widths. Read More

The Right Tools for the Job

Partition Plus not only furnishes bathroom stalls (and many other necessary restroom products), but we also install these items if desired. Many of our online customers, especially those purchasing smaller bathroom partition configurations (just one or two stalls), opt to install their partitions themselves. This is perfectly reasonable, given a few basic conditions. 1) DIY installers should have some familiarity with building materials. 2) An assistant should be available to help with larger components before and during installation. 3) Plenty of time should be left for the project. 4) Proper tools must be gathered before beginning work. Installation requires more than household hand tools. Make sure you have the necessary tools on hand so your finished bathroom stalls look like a masterpiece. Read on for a list of essentials! Read More