Cleaning Agents That Will Quickly Break Down Your Toilet Partitions

Toilet partitions are cheap and effective tools for maintaining privacy in high-traffic bathrooms, but not when they start breaking down not half a year from when you install them. Here are five of the most important dangers you need to quickly deal with before they start killing your new toilet partitions.

Heavy abrasives

Certain cleaning powders and pads use abrasives to scrape away stubborn spots. Using these items on plastic, however, will create lines and scratches that are more dangerous than they first appear. These lines and scratches create ‘perches’ for dirt, fungi and/or rust to build up, which in turn can quickly corrode and damage the toilet partitions – especially on plastic laminate partitions.


Muriatic acid and other acid-based cleaners must never be used on even the most stubborn stains on your toilet partitions. They cause discolorations and quickly corrode even the toughest of materials. The resulting stains and discolorations can be cleared up using specially designed cleaners designed to remove rust and soiling from acids.


Most types of plastic can handle light bleaches but other plastics will begin forming a chemical reaction that will discolor or even distort the plastic. Any metal partitions will quickly oxidize once they come into contact with bleach – especially if left for prolonged periods of time. Keep bleach-based cleaners far away from your partitions just to be safe.

Heavy ammonia

Light ammonia cleaners can be used on stainless steel partitions, but heavy ammonia cleaners cannot be used on virtually all types of toilet partitions. Heavy ammonia will cause discolorations that are often worse than the stain it was trying to clean. Worse still is that ammonia can create very dangerous chemical compounds.

Do note that some plastics can resist these chemicals, but using plain old soap and water is way better than having to risk corrosion, discoloration and distortion that could cost so much more to fix!